Thursday, July 22, 2010


I thought about blogging for a long time. It’s funny though because I’m not actually a blog reader. I know people that have blogs and I feel guilty because I feel like I should read them, but I don’t. So here I am blogging. Ironically, if I were you, I probably wouldn’t be reading this. Don’t worry; I won’t make fun of you if you do.

So, why blog? Well, I’ve been thinking that I may need some way to bring together my thoughts. Supposedly, I’m an abstract thinker. When I think, I don’t process things linearly, but rather information will send cues to different parts of my brain than what other people tell me is the logical progression. I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but I just go with it. To me it’s all just thinking. However, thinking the way I do tends to draw conclusions in my head that may not always make any sense (hence the name of my blog). Through blogging I hope to process my thoughts out to gain some conclusions but I bet I’ll just end up with more questions. (You know you've been in InterVarsity too long when you end up writing a purpose statement for your blog.)

So why not journal? Well, I tried journaling ten years ago but I got out of it after around six months. It was a cool, but what killed journaling for me was that when I went back to look at some of my journal entries a year later, I was embarrassed about all the stupid things I was thinking and journaling. You’d think that would make me even less likely to blog, but I’m inclined otherwise (once again, hence the name of my blog). Well, I’m planning on never reading this blog ever again. However, it seems ridiculous to me to write something down for no one to read, therefore I blog. Also, I figure the few followers I may acquire might be able to enlighten me with what they think about the things I'm thinking and that just makes my day.

So, if you’re interested in reading the soulful verbiage of this neophytic wanderer, you are welcome.

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